ESERO Space Careers Roadshow

Throughout the year, ESERO Ireland and Space Week coordinators – MTU Blackrock Castle Observatory, run a series of Space Career Roadshows in conjunction with Science Foundation Ireland, and third-level partners. These roadshows will provide students with an excellent opportunity to engage with space industry professionals, and third level institutions, so that they can get a taste of the exciting opportunities that a STEM career in Space has to offer.

Our roadshows showcase the incredible diversity of careers that are available in the space industry. Astronauts, scientists, engineers, artists, and countless other professionals will show you what their dream job entails, and the path you can take to follow in their footsteps. The next Space Careers Roadshow will see the roadshow return to Cork for Space Week 2024.

A selection of our previous roadshows are available to watch online, including this one held in Cork as part of Space Week 2022, check out how humans adapt to space at:


Audience – Transition Year, 5th and 6th year students. Second level teachers

Admission – Free*

*It is a condition of registration, that all applicants complete pre-event and post-event evaluations.