Mar chuid de Sheachtain (Dhomhanda) an Spáis, cuirfear taispeántas pláinéadlainne ar siúl an 7 Deireadh Fómhair do dhaltaí scoile timpeall an tír, léirithe ag an foireann realteolaíochta Science Gallery Dublin.
Le linn an tseó ar líne is féidir le scoileanna cinneadh a dhéanamh faoi na pláinéid sa ghrianchóras ar mhian leo cuairt a thabhairt orthu, ceisteanna a chur ar na réalteolaithe agus roinnt leideanna a fháil maidir le conas an réalteolaíocht a dhéanamh i na ngairdíní cúil féin.
Beidh dhá eagrán den seó, ceann do dhaltaí bunscoile agus ceann do dhaltaí meánscoile.
Bunscoil: 10.15-11am
Meánscoil: 2-3pm
As part of World Space Week, the astronomy team from Science Gallery Dublin will present a special planetarium show as Gaeilge on 7 October to school students in Gaeltacht regions across the country.
During this online show, schools can decide which planets in the solar system they wish to visit, ask questions and get some tips on how to practise astronomy from their own back gardens.
There will be two editions of the show, one for primary students and one for post-primary students.
Primary: 10.15-11am
Post-primary: 2-3pm